Wednesday, May 1, 2013


LOOKS LIKE THE SNYDES IS TALKING!!! He gave his opinion about the whole Marvel vs Dc battle. He said.....

"That should be the question you’re asking Iron Man and Thor. How is it that you feel you can be making a superhero movie in a world where Superman and Batman exist?"

Y'know what Snyder? Bring it!

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahaha! His films are rubbish! And I'm not just saying that because of his revisionist view of Marvel (i.e. pre-Marvel, DC comics were 'let's have Superman eat a kryptonite mushroom and grow two purple heads! Yeah! Yeah!'). His films have always been largely crap. Even a can't-miss-cos-the-story-is already-written hit like Watchmen became a 'floater'.
    Let's see if even Chris Nolan and David Goyer can bail his ass out of Man of Steel. Maybe it'll be a hit - but he shouldn't delude himself. Failing with the first ever Superhero with Nolan and Goyer on your Team would be a far more impressive feat than succeeding.
