Friday, May 31, 2013

Les Misérables Review!!!!!!

This review is dedicated to Misty Marc


Do you love this movie too
I like it just as so
It is fun, charming, witty
It is the way to go
When the bobbing of your head
Echoes the rhythm of the song
You know the movie it will
Be 'effing long

Will you read this great review
Wrote by the greatest of them all
It is funny, right, and smart
You will wet your pants
The blood of the music
Will pour down at last

Do you love the movie too
It was a fun ride
The funny parts I laughed
And the sad ones I cried
I knew I loved it
While Javert was a git
Let's get to the review, for it is late!


Alright! I announced this movie a while back, but I just haven't gotten around to it. I finally got to see it last weekend. Something you might not know about Justified Julius is that.... I love (certain) musicals. I was in Willy Wonka!

The plot is set in the early 19th century where Jean Valjean has been released from slavery for stealing a loaf of bread! Brutal. He breaks his parole when he finds God, but is being chased by Inspector Javert, a man who is all about the law, but the law is broken.

I really liked this film. It's good, but it had problems such as, most of the dialogue is in song. It can be silly at times. I don't mean the songs; I mean (most of) the conversations. It's all singing. The one exception is the Confrontation. Go on YouTube and listen. That's the only one, because the scene is well executed, and the music in the background is awesome!

The aspect of the film that caught me by surprise was the cinematography. That was beautiful. The beginning where Valjean is roaming the world, that was spectacular. I can't believe I said Skyfall should have won the "Best Cinematography" Oscar now. This at times kicks Skyfall's ass.


"I AM WOLVERINE!!!" -Hugh Jackman, The Oscars. That man is one of my favorite actors today, and it's not just because of his role as Wolverine. It was because of this movie. I loved him in this movie. He was emotional, dynamic, and his singing voice was beautiful (especially in "Who am I? and What have I done?") Oh my god! I loved his performance! I think he should've won the Oscar for best, and yes, I did see Lincoln. Daniel Day Lewis is such a great actor, that his performance wasn't even him trying. He's that good! That was him just lifting one of his fingers. In this, Jackman gives it his all!

"My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next."- Russel Crowe, Gladiator. Wow. That was an ok performance by the actor. He wasn't the best part, but he was good. He did a good job singing; why is everybody making fun of his voice? He's good at singing in Stars and Javert's Suicide. I loved his singing with those songs. 

"You don't owe these people anymore. You've given them everything."- Anne Hathaway, The Dark Knight Rises. The awesome thing about Anne Hathaway's performance is that she has the least screen time of anyone, and she is awesome! She only has around 20 minutes of screen time, and she is really good. She was an emotional wreck. Her life was turned upside down, and she had to live in hell, but later go to MEGA HELL for her child Cosette. There was a quote in a review for this movie from (which there will be a link to below), and the quote was from Leon saying "I DARE YOU NOT TO CRY IN HER SCENES." Surprisingly... I didn't. I felt sick near the part where she gets her teeth pulled out. I guess it's because I don't like abuse to women. Weird.

The story is great, the acting is superb, and I really like the movie, the problem I had was that I didn't think the Marius/Cosette relationship was what it should have been. They got one scene together and that was it. I thought Marius should have been with Eponine. That poor girl.

Other than that, I absolutely love this movie. I will post links to my favorite songs and a link to the review by It is really funny. I am giving this a FULL PRICE!

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