Thursday, May 30, 2013

Star Trek Into Darkness Review!!!!!!! SPOILERS!!!!!

KHAAAAN!!!!!!! Yeah, there's the big spoiler! Even though we already knew, and they weren't being clever in the trailers. Everything in those damn trailers pointed it to being a remake of The Wrath of Kahn. I honestly don't care after seeing that movie. I liked it, but there were so many problems with it; I don't know if this is going to be a friendly review. Ok, look, it isn't a COMPLETE rip off of Wrath of Kahn. When it comes to the story, it isn't, when it comes to the action, it isn't, but when it comes to the ON GOING references, and especially the ending, it can be seen that way. So, let's get into this movie.


The movie starts with an adventure the likes we've seen over and over in the trailers. Captain James T. Kirk (Chris Pine) and Dr. Leonard McCoy (Karl Urban) are being chased by a primitive tribe on the planet Nibiru. Kirk (for some reason) took a scroll that shows the tribe's god. Kirk and McCoy escape by jumping of a cliff and into the ocean. Under the water is the USS Enterprise. Meanwhile Spock is going into a volcano to (I'm serious) defuse it. Kirk finds out that Spock might die, and he orders the crew to fly the Enterprise to the volcano.

Spock wants Kirk to respect the prime directive (which means planets that are primitive can't know about the Federation), but Kirk (at the moment) doesn't care. Spock is saved, and the crew of the Enterprise are on their way to Earth. I swear when Spock utters the words "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" in that volcano, I looked up and said "Here we go."

We cut to Earth, where terror strikes by a man known as John Harrison (Benedict Cumberbatch), and Kirk is demoted. While starfleet has a meeting John Harrison attacks them. During the attack, Cristopher Pike (Bruce Greenwood) is killed. This is obviously a plot device that will make Kirk want revenge on Harrison.

The crew find out that after the attack, Harrison beamed to the Klingon planet, Kronos. Kirk gets the team together to find him. They have 72 torpedoes that are a new design to take him out. Before they go, we are introduced to Carol Marcus (Alice Eve), who I'm not even sure if she needed to be in the movie. All she really does is stop McCoy from being killed and bring in fan service. Tell me, what else did she do other than that? You could've replaced her with Scotty, instead of keeping him out of the movie.

They arrive on the restricted planet, and they have a big chase scene until they are stopped by a small group of Klingons. They fight, fight, fight. Fight, fight, fight. Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, and who is it that helps them? None other than John Harrison. After the battle, Harrison is captured by the crew of the Enterprise. We then cut to a scene of Kirk and Spock interogating Harrison.

It is revealed that Harrison's true identity is....... (get this) KAAAAAHHHNNN!!!!!!!!!
That's all I am going to say, because it's tireing to talk about it. Don't get me wrong, I like the movie, but it has A LOT of problems.

The first problem are all the references! Especially with the Wrath of Kahn. It seemed that at times they were trying to remake one of the best Star Trek movies ever. It was just really tireing. The right thing that the 2009 Star Trek did, was that it was an original story. It had its throwbacks, but it didn't go as far as to. There are parts of this movie that are based on what would be Wrath of Kahn, and some parts I thought they were going to take things from that movie. Thankfully they didn't.

There was one part I really was scratching my head about. The Federation are taking MAJOR risks by sending the crew of the Enterprise to Kronos. They are risking war with the Klingons, but they do it anyway. When they have the battle on Kronos, that should be the moment where the Klingons say "HEY! Those humans know they can't be here! It's war time!" But no! The Klingons are there for one fight scene, and we forget about them. When  they leave Kronos the Klingons should be attacking them! Where was the war? Why was everyone so afraid that a war might've been unleashed? WTF???

Oh, and I really "LOVED" the Leonard Nimoy cameo, that just comes out of no where. He just calls the Enterprise saying hi, and that's it! Why did he call? Did he know they were dealing with Kahn? He told them (and the audience) everything we already knew about Kahn, and how they defeated Kahn. God, that was just sad.

Enough of my ranting. Let's get into the good stuff. Kahn. Benedict Cumberbatch. He was great. I loved that performace, character, and action scenes. I'm happy they didn't kill him off. That just does me right.

Another thing I liked was how it looked. I loved the effects. It was so cool.

This movie was cool. I liked it at least. Yes, alot of problems, but I really liked. I want to get it on DVD, because it was alot of fun, and that's what I wanted. A fun time. If you're going to see it, Rent it! IT IS SO LOUD!!!!!

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