Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Maary Jane isn't going to be in The Amazing Spider-Man 2!!!

So... Sony has confirmed that Shailene Woodley's role as Mary Jane has been cut from Amazing Spider-Man 2, even though she's already been hired, she's given some of her time, and she's already shot some scenes. What are they going to do with those scenes they have cut, and how will this decision affect the story of the sequel? I am not a fan of this decision. She signed on, and isn't going to get her chance to shine until the third movie. If they are doing this they'd better have a good reason. Let's read the reason below:

Despite shooting a handful of scenes as Mary Jane Watson in Sony’s The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Shailene Woodley will not be appearing in the superhero sequel after all, the studio confirms. The Mary Jane character – the most famous of Peter Parker’s comic book love interests – will instead be pushed to the third film so that the rebooted franchise can focus on the relationship between Peter (Andrew Garfield) and Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone) first established in 2012′s The Amazing Spider-Man."

“I made a creative decision to streamline the story and focus on Peter and Gwen and their relationship,” director Marc Webb explained in a statement. “Shailene is an incredibly talented actress and while we only shot a few scenes with Mary Jane, we all love working with her.” It’s unclear if Woodley’s already-filmed scenes will be saved for use in the third film, which has a ways to go before it hits theaters in 2016.

Well that's perfect. Oh well, guess we won't see our favorite red head until 2016. What do you think? Comment or share the post!

(This information was from

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