Sunday, April 21, 2013

CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER A written review by Justified Julius Part 5 of 5 of the Assemble Review!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When Captain America throws his mighty shield! He’ll do other American stuff in the mean time! Like… you know, just listen to “AMERICA EFF YEAH!” This is the adventure movie we have been waiting for. The people wanted to see a guy in the America flag fighting Nazi’s, and they kind of got. He’s punching only Hydra soldiers. When this movie was coming out, people where ranting about how this would never work. They thought that 1990 movie messed it up so bad, that they could never do that on screen again. Well, this movie had the director of the Rocketeer. Another superhero movie set in WW2.

            The way you make a movie like this work, is that it must be an adventure film. It works better that way.


            So what is the movie about? The movie is set in the 1940’s. The allies are just getting into the war, and little Steve Rogers wants to help finish it. No one will accept him, for he is too short and not strong enough. While going to the Stark Expo with his best friend, James “Bucky” Barnes, he meets a scientist named Abraham Erskine. He says that he can give him a chance to get in the army. Steve accepts and goes to “super solider boot camp.” We are then introduced to Peggy Carter and Colonel Chester Phillips. Carter is of course Steve’s romantic interest, and Phillips doesn’t really care about him.

            After boot camp, Steve Rogers is injected with the super solider formula and becomes the ultimate hero. Erskine is killed right after the procedure, and the serum is destroyed. Rogers goes after his murderer. After a very exciting chase scene, Rogers goes on adventures to stop HYDRA and their leader Red-Skull.

            This movie has great things about it. One of them is the characters and the acting. Chris Evans is great as good ol’ Cap. He’s much better in this role than in Fantastic Four. If this character was real, he would totally be like this. Smart, nice, and brave. That is just one of the good characters. Dr. Erskine (played by Stanley Tuchi) is a good character that has really good moments with Evans. He is actually interesting and very sympathetic. Red Skull is awesome. Too bad the actor who played him, Hugo Weaving, talked major crap about these types of roles. “These roles are just beneath me.” OH REALLY? Well then why do you keep playing them?! You seem to have a good time playing these roles! Why are you talking this crap, when you’re getting paid and we are enjoying your performance! Oh well.

            The action scenes are really fun and at times put you on the edge of your seat. They can be fun and nostalgic. This whole movie is very nostalgic. There are references to a couple of other adventure movies. The action scenes have references to Star Wars and Indiana Jones, some of the coolest adventure films ever.

            This story is good. It’s a little guy, who will do what he can to help. It is very believable that this is in the same world as Iron Man and all the other guys, and the humor is hilarious at times. Whoever is in charge of the humor in these movies really knows what he’s doing. He deserves his paycheck.

            It’s been said a bunch of times, but it will be said again. This was an awesome movie. It’s very fun and you’ll get a feel of the old adventure movies back in the day. This is a FULL PRICE!!!

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