Wednesday, January 9, 2013

THE AVENGERS A written review by Justified Julius

YES! It is finally here! The Avengers has finally hit the screen! After everyone saying “That’s never going to happen!” it happened! I have been with the Marvel Cinematic Universe since their first movie “Iron Man.” All the comic book nerds have been waiting for this movie for five years. How did this movie hold up? It held up amazingly. Some of what makes it amazing is that this has never been done before with any movie franchise. MARVEL Studios brought all these characters from different comics and gave them their own movies. Then they brought them all from their own movies to make one big film. The director Joss Weadon made it work masterfully. When it comes to the storyline, it’s a pretty basic story. Some people will say “Oh well the story is not original, I WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO ENJOY MOVIES AGAIN!!!” The movie is based off The Avengers #1 that was published in 1963. It’s like how the Harry Potter films are based off the books. Even with that they expand on it. There is no problem with the story. The synopsis is a bad guy wants to take over the world and superheroes have to stop him. That is all you’ll get because this is a spoiler free review. I found only two problems in the movie. The first one was Captain America’s costume. Everybody looks like they are going to war, but Cap. looks like he’s going to a kid’s birthday party. They should’ve stuck with the costume from his movie. That would have been believable. But in this it looks like his costume is made from the cushion of a chair and he got his mask from the kid’s section of Walmart. The second problem was Hawkeye’s screen time and it turns out I was not the only one who had that problem. The actor Jeremy Renner was not pleased and said “That was not the role I signed up for.” The Cast. The characters are portrayed very well by very talented actors. Chris Evans, as Captain America, really hit it out of the park. He has taken the personality of Steve Rogers and has made something very special. He acted like someone who knew how to take orders and give them, a soldier. Robert Downey, Jr. as Iron Man is good as he always is. He know’s right where that line is, when he needs to be a drunken, genius, billionare, playboy, philantropist, to a sober hero that needs to get serious when he needs to. He was one of my favorite parts of this movie. Very good. Chris Hemsworth, as, Thor, really knows how to act in a semi-Shakespearean role. A lot of that credit must be handed to Kenneth Branaugh who directed Thor and many other films based off of Shakespear’s work. Hemsworth knows how to get the Shakespear type language and make it not sound ridiculous in the setting he is in. That’s a high praise when a movie reviewer tells an actor he’s good at playing a god. Everyone thought Mark Ruffalo as the Hulk was a bad decision because Edward Norton was great in The Incredible Hulk. Ruffalo does as good a job as Norton but in a different way. Norton’s Bruce Banner was a scientist who was trying to get rid of the monster inside of him. Ruffalo’s Banner was a scared person who accepted the monster inside of him but didn’t want it to get out of it’s cage, which was his mind. Ruffalo was great acting as the Hulk. Yes you read correctly. Mark Ruffalo played the Hulk also. There wasn’t any Lou Ferigno, CGI, double. That was him, they went the same way the people went for Gollum in Lord of The Rings. BEST HULK EVER!!! (Lou Ferigno did do the voice of the Hulk.) Scarllette Johanssen was very impressive with her potrayel of the Black Widow. When she played this character in Iron Man 2 she was just there to look good. In this her character and her origin are explained just enough to keep that spy element in tact. She was good in the role that was presented to her. She was fine and she was FINE! Jeremy Renner is going to be interesting part of this review because he basicaly comes out of no where. He had a small cameo in Thor, but you don’t learn anything about him. All he did in that cameo was point the bow. He didn’t even fire it. This movie has to introduce a whole new character. Hawkeye is not himself in a lot of this movie. In the time you do see Hawkeye as Hawkeye in the movie, you don’t learn about his past except that he and Black Widow have a spy relationship. His action scenes are believable. People have been saying “Well, how is he gonna match with Iron Man and Hulk??? STUPID!!!” If you see the action scene’s with Hawkeye, you are gonna think it’s gonna be a lot cooler having a bow and arrow than having a trash can lid with a star painted on it. Jeremy Renner did a good job playing a character that did not do much. Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury. Or in this case “Ultimate Nick Fury” is a fun character to watch on screen. Even if he doesn’t go into battle with the rest of the Avengers, he does contribute a lot. He brings the team together and leads them to where they need to go. I really liked how he put some of himself into that role. He was better than David Hasslehoff. Joss Weadon was a good pick to direct The Avengers because he knows how to deal with a movie with a huge cast and he’s a nerd. He directed Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly, Cabin in the Woods and a bunch of other nerdy stuff. Everyone was happy he could make this work. I am excited to see what he is going to do with The Avengers 2, but we aren’t going to see that until May 1, 2015. Until then, enjoy the movies leading up to it which are: Iron Man 3, Thor The Dark World, Captain America The Winter Soilder, Ant-Man, and The Guardians of the Galaxy. Enjoy. This movie is a very fun, spectacular film, that deserves all the praise it recived. If you’re going to watch it pay Full Price, it’s really worth it. I cannot understand why anyone would not like this movie. SPOILER!!!!!! SPIDERMAN WAS AWESOME!!!!!

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