Monday, June 17, 2013

Man of Steel Review!!! Oh yeah, SPOILERS!!!

Up, UP, AND AWAY!!! I saw this movie yesterday, and I'll tell you right now.... I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!! This movie is so awesome, and it's very cool to look at. The visual effects have so much detail, and (at times) can look like one of the comic book's come to life. As you can probably tell, I love the visuals of this movie, but don't get me started on the cinematography. That was beautiful! The times where it just looks great are on Krypton, and at the Kent Farm. Zack Snyder (the director) deserves a freaking crown. Oh, and so does Chris Nolan.

I don't understand why people were so up tight about Zack Snyder directing it. He has done some bad movies like "Sucker Punch", but he also did some good ones such as "300, Watchmen (which I thought was good), and Owl's of Gauhul." But everyone shut up when they heard that Christopher Nolan was going to be the producer. Nolan did movies that alot of people love, such as "The Dark Knight, Inception, and Batman Begins." Everyone said "Oh, that's awesome! He's gonna show Snyder how it's done! No more of this slow motion crap! This is how you do it!" First of all, Nolan was not going to be directing the movie. He was only the producer. Second, there weren't any slow motion shots in that whole movie!

You can clearly see what side of the argument I was on. Enough of that negativity, let's get into what you've been waiting for! This is Superman Begins! Wait.... oh, I mean Man of Steel.


The story is the begining of Superman. It's his first adventure which just happens to do with the end of the world. Jor-El (Russel Crowe) has an idea of how to save the dieing world of Krypton. He speaks to the Major Council, but his rant is interupted by General Zod (Michael Shannon). Zod has started his coup to save the world as well. It seems that he and Jor-El are on the same side of the coin, although Zod is doing it the wrong way.

The first thing I noticed was this new version of Zod that I have seen. The last best Zod was played by Terrance Stamp in Superman 2. This guy just wanted to take over, and kill Superman. The new Zod is the "people's man." He is doing this so his Kryptonian brothers and sisters can live. When Krypton is destroyed he is looking for a new place for his people to live. When he finds the place, I doubt he WOULDN'T rule them. Oh well, back to the story.

Zod asks Jor-El to join them in their conquest. Jor-El says no and is taken into custody by Zod. Jor-El escapes (in a very badass way). I'm not going to lie... I cried in the Krypton scenes, especially in Jor-El's escape. It's just so beautiful, and it's so alien. He get's home to his wife Laura (the french lady from Angels and Demons) and they get ready to send their son, Kal-El, to Earth. Zod comes to stop them. He is being a real jerk about it. Jor-El is tired of this and they start to fight. Who knew Jor-El was so good at fighting? He knocks Zod to his knees! Zod is still a jerk, and he kills Jor-El. The rocket is launched and on it's way to Earth.

Zod is captured and is on trial. He tell's Laura that he will find her son. I gotta tell you, that's one of my favorite scenes. I think it's a reference to the first scene in the first Superman movie. Instead of "YOU WILL KNEEL BEFORE ME!" we got "I WILL FIND HIM!" Zod is sent to the Negative Zone, and one scene later, Krypton is destroyed. That is one of the most beautiful scenes in the whole movie. It feel's like the end of a world.

33 years later we see Clark Kent (Henry Cavill) who is a nomad of sorts. He keeps his identity a secret, for when he was younger he caused alot of accidents which had to do with his powers. I love the way his origin is told. It's in a series of flashbacks. That saves us 30 minuites of origin. For the people who wish they were Superman growing up, this just shows you how scary it actually is. I'm not going to say what it is, because I still can't sleep.

Clark is traveling so much. He's saving people's lives, keeping low, and minding his buissness. He works at a military station in the Antartic. Who comes to the base? Lois Lane (Amy Adams) comes to report about an unkown object in the ice. Clark goes to see it himself, but Lois is following him. It turns out that it's a Kryptonian ship, that just happens to have his Superman suit. He turns the ship on and see's a hologram of his father. They're talking and Clark finds out who he is, where he came from, and who Zod is.

Lois is looking around in the ship, but is attacked. She is bleeding, so Clark has to cordorize the wound. He starts the ship and leaves. We then see Lois at the Daily Planet talking to Perry White (Lawerence Fishburne) about wanting to publish the story about Clark. He says no, but that doesn't stop her from looking into this. She finds out that his name is Clark Kent and he's been using different names through out his life. I really liked that. It just shows how smart Lois really is, and we also don't have to wait 2 movies for her to find out that Superman and Clark are the same person.

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG Story short. Zod comes, he wants Superman, Superman and Zod fight (which is awesome), Supe's fights tentacles, Fayora, and Zod. Oh, and here's the BIG controversial thing. In the final fight between Zod and Clark, they are going throughout the city. They end up in a big building. Clartk has Zod by the head, and he tells him to stop fighting. Zod says "Never." and aims his laser vision at a family. Clark is yelling "NO!" and he snaps Zods neck. That took me by surprise. My mouth was open. So many people are saying "HECK NO! SUPERMAN WOULD NEVER DO THAT!" What I say is.... He didn't have any choice! Zod was going to kill a family, so there was no other way to stop him. It's not like Superman snapped his neck, pissed in his mouth, and said yelled "SUCK IT!" Oh, and by the way! By the way! Didn't Superman push Zod into an endless pit in Superman 2? Where were these angry comments then?

So, back to the long story short. When this whole invasion is over, Clark tells Ma Kent that he needs to get a job. The last shot of the movie is Lois telling Clark "Welcome to the Planet.", for he is wearing the iconic glasses and is the Clark Kent we all know.

WARNING!!! DO NOT STAY AFTER THE CREDITS!!! THERE IS NOTHING THERE!!! I stayed there for 6 minuites waiting for something, but nothing was there. I wanted to see a little scene leading to something else. Maybe we could see Supergirl, maybe even Lex Luthor. I don't know. Oh and did you guys see those little easter eggs? Where the truck said "Lexcorp", and the satellite said "Wayne Tech?" Thank god they did that! That just shows that this is a bigger universe than we know.

I only had 2 problems in the whole movie. That's less problems than I had with the Avengers, and I love the Avengers. The first problem was that someparts felt rushed like, Clark turning into Superman like that, and the Lois and Clark relationship. The second was.... you know... I can't think of anything! That's just shows how much fun I had in this!   

I thought Henry Cavill was great as Superman, Russell Crowe had an emotion, and was better than Marlon Brando, and this movie alone redeems Superman's cinematic adventures. This is the best Superman movie ever, and it's a BADA$$ MOTHEREFFIN' BADA$$!!!             

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