Since there isn't much news coming out, I thought I would just post my favorite villains of all time. So enjoy my opinion, for it's all subjective.
Khan from Star Trek The Wrath of Khan. I loved the way this character was portrayed in one of the best Star Trek films of all time. Ricardo Montalban played this character with such passion, and it was clear he had a great time returning to his role from the original Star Trek episode "Space Seed." He was equally threatening as he was enjoyable to watch. He was on this list the first time I saw him on the screen.
Red Skull from Captain America the First Avenger. I really love this villain. I thought he was a lot of fun (although he was a Nazi), and Hugo Weaving was great, over the top, and just evil. It's a shame that Hugo Weaving was talking down to the role and a lot of other roles like this. Doesn't make that much sense though... Oh well, Skully's on this list.
Gooooood. Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooood. Emperor Panda Bear from Star Wars Episode 6: Return of the Jedi. Whenever I watch Episode 6, the parts I love the most are the scenes with the Emperor. The reason is because of all the build up that led up to him in the last two movies. At first he looks like some crusty old guy, then when he stands up and attacks, he is one of the most threatening guys in the room.
The Slender Man. This character is a recent Internet meme that was created on the Something Awful forums. The user who created him was Victor Surge. Since then the mysterious monster has gained popularity in pop culture. He had a game last year called SLENDER THE EIGHT PAGES, and he had a game this year called SLENDER THE ARRIVAL. The reason he is on this list is because I get really scared by this dude. In the games, all you do is go through out the woods and look for eight pages. When you get the first page you hear loud footsteps in the distance. When the Slender Man is near you, your screen will get distorted, and you will hear a lot of loud noises.
Other than the future nightmares, this character is really cool. Check out Marble Hornets, download the free games, and just look into this character because I love him as a a creepy pasta.

General Zod from Superman II. I know in my Man of Steel review I went a little over board with the love of the Michael Shannon General Zod. It took me a while to realize, though I love the new Zod, Terrance Stamp's Zod is the more entertaining portrayal. I love this character because he is so comic book. His dialogue is over the top, his costume is ridiculous, and he's just so much fun to quote.
I love Michael Shannon as Zod, but it's all about the Stamp.
Magneto from all the X-MEN films. This character has all ways been cool to me. He was threatening, classy, and bada$$. When you get an awesome old a$$ kicker like Magneto, who do you get to play him? Gandalf and the guy who's going to play Macbeth next year. Sir Ian McKellen has played the role of Magneto in every X-MEN movie, except for First Class and X-MEN ORIGINS WOLVERINE. Most of the X-MEN movies suck, but one of the very few highlights of them were always Sir McKellen's performance as Magneto. Michael Fassbender played a younger version of Magneto in X-MEN FIRST CLASS and will be playing the same roll in the upcoming film X-MEN DAYS OF FUTURE PAST.
I love both of these performances, but I can't decide which one I love more........
And the fan girls go insane. Although I don't understand where all the love for Loki came from, I do love this character and Tom Hiddleston's performance. I really liked him in Thor. He was a tragic character who fell into the abyss, for his jealousy of his brother clouded his judgement. When I saw him in The Avengers, I forgot about him in Thor. That's where I started to love him. He was bada$$, angry, tortured, and just insane. I cannot wait to see him in Thor: The Dark World, just so I know where his story goes. I really have a thing for over the top villains, don't I?
Say his name. People will keep saying his name for a long time. This guy is my favorite character on a T.V show ever. Heisenberg aka Walter White from Breaking Bad is one of the most fascinating characters I have ever seen. The great thing about this character is that you get to see how he becomes this villain. He is constantly doing the wrong thing, but he's doing them for good reasons. There is so much conflict, stress, pain, and great writing in him.
Bryan Cranston plays Heisenberg and W.W. beautifully. When you see him in an episode you want more of him. You want to see where his acting talents will lead him. It's lead him to great places. I will always remember our friendly neighborhood meth cook.
Oh yeah. The biggest bada$$ in the galaxy (other than Boba Fett) is on my list. When you get Bane's mask, Batman's cape, and the voice of Mufasa, you get DARTH VADER. I was watching the original trilogy recently, and I remember how much this guy was awesome. He had the voice, the black, and the force.
This guy is so awesome, he kills people in the Empire, because he can. He is most threatening in Empire Strikes Back, and that's mostly because of James Earl Jones's voice. No one can do the Darth Vader voice, like him. Many have tried, but most have failed. That's just a voice you can't beat. If you don't like this character, I find your lack of faith disturbing.
NUMBER 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love all of the Jokers. That's all I have to say, and that's all I'm going to say.
I hope you enjoyed this opportunity to fanboy. What are your top 10 villains of all time? Comment and share the post!